Austyn Hall - Osteopath M.OST

Being based in Bradford on Avon enables our osteopathic clinic to offer osteopath treatments for the Melksham area.

Austyn graduated with Masters from the European school of Osteopathy. His passion for learning about the human body and all its fascinating inner workings initially led him to attain a BSc Degree in Biomedical science.

Since then he gravitated towards Osteopathy due to its renowned ability to restore and improve the body’s movement naturally, paired with his keen interests in rehabilitation to optimise management.

Graduating from the European school of Osteopathy has equipped Austyn with a wide range of treatment approaches, from the structural muscle energy techniques and myofascial release techniques, to the renowned ESO taught functional techniques including osteopathic cranial treatment and balanced ligamentous tension.

He particular interests lie in sports osteopathy, chronic pain and hypermobility spectrum disorders (HSD); this has led him to work with the leading researchers and advisers for hypermobility.

In his free time he is a keen weightlifting enthusiast and enjoys staying up to date with the current manual therapy research and literature.

Austyn has just made a video about osteopathy - please see below:

To make an appointment call us on
01225 868 282
or feel free to fill in the form below