Caroline Harmsworth - Osteopath BSc (Hons) Ost, F.S.C.C.O.

I came to Osteopathy when my pelvis ‘fell apart’ during my second pregnancy.  My physiotherapist offered me crutches and told me there was nothing more to be done!  But I met a fantastic osteopath in Colchester who put me back together again … and I was hooked.  I left the teaching profession and went on to complete my training at the British School of Osteopathy, graduating in 2002. Since graduating I have continued my professional osteopathic development with regular courses both in the UK and Europe.

I have completed the eight year Sutherland Cranial College of Osteopathy postgraduate programme in Cranial Osteopathy SCCO, and was appointed a Fellow of the college in 2014. I have also had the opportunity to study with the  Traditional Osteopathy (Biodynamics) curriculum courses taught by Christian, attanding an annual study course for some 10 years now. I am currently part way through a postgraduate Paediatric diploma course also run by the SCCO.  I have studied the Buteyko Method which is an approach to calm and gentle breathing, helpful in asthma and in managing anxiety.

I love osteopathy because of its breadth of understanding of the human body and its insights into how to allow each of us to be as healthy as possible. It’s such an honour to hear people’s stories.  Coming to work is always a pleasure.

I enjoy meeting and helping all my patients.  With my own history, I feel particularly able to support pregnant women and young families, but I also love helping with health problems that are more complex.  Every age group is interesting and every individual is unique.

Beyond osteopathy, I enjoy reading, poetry and all manner of making.  I love the British Isles and have spent many days and weeks exploring our coastline and remote outreaches. I am an experienced yoga practitioner and I swim regularly.

To make an appointment call us on
01225 868 282
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